Know these 4 Google Ads / PPC tricks to improve your SEO

Know these 4 Google Ads / PPC tricks to improve your SEO

After the rise of paid ads, search engine optimization entered a new era.

It is well known that paid ads have prime positions. There is data that shows us how paid search generated more than 35,000 million dollars or how organic searches generate about 51% of the traffic on the web.

Below I will tell you more about these types of strategies for the positioning of your website and why and how Google Ads/PPC tricks can help you favor SEO.

What is PPC?

The emergence of paid ads has led brands to make the decision to appear among the top positions in search engines. Known as Pay Per Click, this strategy considers the keywords in which an investment is made to achieve positioning and thus obtain more clicks.

The investments made through these advertisements represent a cost for any marketing strategy from which a return is always expected. This can be done in different ways. The advantage of working with PPC is that, for example, in searches carried out from mobile devices, usually only paid ads to appear on the first page, which increases conversion, taking into account the importance that Internet access has gained from those devices.

What are the Types of PPC Posts?

When you make these types of publications to position your ads and get clicks, remember that you can do it through Google Adwords :

  • either through the search network, which provides for positioning in search engines;
  • or by network display ads, which appear on sites associated with Google such as YouTube, or pages of interest related to the keyword;
  • Ads can include strong actions that help you identify a possible purchase decision, for example: request a quote, call us, among others.

SEO Positioning

This type of positioning is still very relevant. It means not paying for the first positions, and rather optimizing your company's website, both inside and outside of it, so that it reaches the first positions within search engines. When I refer to optimization within the site, it is to recognize what words you want to focus the improvement strategy on to make your website achieve positions within the search engines.

Outside the website, the effort will be focused on the links that you have linked within your site and their relevance to the reader, the positioning within Google Places so that the person can find the location of your business, among other things.

Without forgetting the content marketing strategy that will help you with this positioning, the recognition of your website, the hierarchy of your brand about the product or service you offer, and the experience that your website provides for the people who come to it. through your different content formats.

Why is Linking the Two Strategies Good for Your Website?

Paid ads within Google average a 2% click rate, and website traffic from paid media typically reach 6%. Meanwhile, the organic traffic of a website accounts for 63%. So there is no doubt that while PPC tricks can be effective for short-term results, organic positioning, even if it takes longer, is the one that will drive the most traffic to your website.

Once you have reached first place within Google at an organic level, you can keep it for years, as long as your strategy is updated and worked permanently.

PPC Tricks: How to Take Advantage of PPC to Improve Your SEO Strategy?

What you pay in PPC can ultimately give your website a lot of information, which can result in achieving positions within search engines. Discover below some ways to do it:

  • What normally works for PPC tends to work for SEO. When you know what types of ads are driving the most conversions, it's important to use that information to optimize your Search Engine Optimization strategy, for example, data like title tags and meta descriptions.
  • When you are going to perform a search for the keywords you want to rank for, the ads give you the option to see the relevance and volume of the searches they have. For example, when placing a specific keyword or Long Tail, you may notice that its search volume is not that high, but it has a very good relevance, which you could work within your SEO positioning strategy.
  • If you use keywords with a cost that may have been very high and the ad did not generate the expected conversions, would you repeat the mistake? You could then take those words to link to your SEO strategy and pay for what is working.
  • Variations of a keyword with too much competition can also be key to the organic positioning of your site. You can achieve that through tools for your work with SEO.


You must define the time in which you want to see the results for your investment, that way you will know that the PPC can do it in less time but sometimes the risk of not having conversions before a representative investment can be frustrating.

Working with SEO will take longer to produce results, but that is what ultimately brings more traffic to websites. Many times it is a team effort, so it is important that the strategy is aligned and that, of course, you consider content marketing as a key to conquering the first page of Google.

Work these two strategies together, taking advantage of the best of PPC tricks so that whenever you want to pay, you do it with the awareness that you will have many more conversion opportunities. And if you decide not to pay, that is because your site can achieve very good results in search engines through Digital Marketing Services.


Tags: Google Ads, PPC, Pay Per Click, PPC Service, Pay Per Click Service, Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing Service, PPC Company

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